Ron DeSantis met with swathes of empty seats at Iowa event, photo shows to politics – 560 points –
Ron DeSantis met with swathes of empty seats at Iowa event, photo shows

GOP nominee Ron DeSantis was met with a large number of empty seats at a meet and greet event in Iowa, photos shared online have revealed.


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To the extent DeSantis popular, it's only because he says and does things to "own the libs." He isn't a good speaker, he isn't charismatic, and he doesn't have actual ideas for accomplishing anything.

The people who end up voting for him in the primaries will be the ones who simply want to piss off liberals, but figure Trump will be in jail.

I think his critical mistake was trying to out-Trump Trump. He will never be a better Trump than Trump. He had a chance to be a more moderate and "acceptable" version of Trump. But he went way too far to the right where even other Republicans are criticizing some of the Florida laws. Like for example banning AP Psychology or putting PragerU videos in the official curriculum.

Somehow I'm more surprised that he's getting Republican pushback from including PragerU videos in the Florida public education ciriculum than I am that he included PragerU videos in the Florida public education ciriculum.

The problem is stuff like "slaves benefited by learning skills under slavery" is simply too radical even for most Republicans

I think he assumed there was a much larger hard-core right population than there really is. Like sure, neonazis might vote for you but the average Trumper is not a neonazi. They're like halfway there but still believe slavery was bad, racism is bad, etc.

The media keeps giving a megaphone to the extreme who yell the loudest. There are fewer of those idiots than even the "wanna-be tRumpians" realize. They went all in on this train. Now it's off the rails and they're only just now realizing there aren't any conductors to stop it.

Unfortunately my mom is a big supporter of his. I don't understand how such a kind woman can see him as anything other than an utter disgrace

It's hard to align "kind" with supporting DeSantis policies. Is she a one-issue voter who looks at something like abortion and dismisses everything else? Because the guy is responsible for a lot of suffering.

She used to be, but it seems that the harder the gop goes for fascism, and the more fox lies... well she's not who she used to be