Chat Gpt now has ads in some responses to – 8 points –

The Enshittification may have begun of this service too.

I'm actually a paying customer myself of Chat Gpt, and I havent personally seen any ads. But it's bad enough if this is something that will start to appear in people's answers.

Anyone else experienced this?

Update: The reason for this was found and it wasn't the service itself that started doing this.


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If you're on desktop, try using Claude 2 instead. I've had a much better experience so far. Much less repetitive in its responses. I like the way it breaks down answers with bullet points.

Didn't even know about that one. First time I hear the name. Will check it out!

I am a big fan of Claude 2, it’s very accurate and detailed. It’s also more current than GPT4 dataset (at least what’s public)

Claude support translations unfortunately.

Unfortunately I do not currently have the capability to translate between languages. I'm an AI assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest.