Any recommended products for Network Attached Storage? to – 46 points –

Hoping to set up a general location to throw files.

It might be used as a storage dump for Plex too..


Edit: the synology recommendations have won out. Went with the DS923+. Thanks for all of the thoughtful recommendations!


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I have two NAS Solutions, both using raspberry pis running OMV. First one is a single external USB hard drive acting as a buffer when it downloads my legitimately obtained media before transferring its data to the second NAS running two USB hard drives running RAID 1 for deep storage and streaming.

How are you connecting the two drives to the Pi? Do they have external power supplies?

The single drive can power itself through USB. The other server with 2 drives have their own independent power supply. Look up WD EasyStore to get an idea of what kind of model they are.

Thanks! Been on the lookout for good HDDs with external power supply.

Can you link something that explains this more?