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Joined 1 years ago

These prank channels should be completely demonetized to remove the incentive of doing stupid shit like this in the first place.

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This joke's getting as stale as the "attack helicopter" shit your alt-right counterparts say.

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The company wasted $27 million buying a dumb patent where we wasted even more money trying to make it work. My boss made some reliability studies showing the design sucked but the director heading the project didn't want to hear it. Eventually my boss was let go because of this and I decided to turn in my 2 weeks right after. A few months later the project was canceled and the director fired.

East LA by Atlantic and Whittier. Used to be an opera house.

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I really hope they don't act out on blowing up satellites. Kessler Syndrome will ruin any hopes of future space habitation and exploration for generations to come.

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This is the kind of shit Japan said about its Great East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere when it basically subjugated a lot of its neighbors prior to WWII... I hope history won't repeat itself in such a way.

I saw an angel casually walk down a street with a human head in his mouth. I'd post the video but, y'know, rule 4.

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Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and generally anyone who wants to convert me to their fucked up religion when they knock on my door. Why should I be civil when they bother me at my house on my time off to dictate what I should believe in? If I'm interested I'd go to them and not the other way around.

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A similar thing just happened at my current hybrid job. My company is owned by a much larger corporation and the only reason it hasn't been fully absorbed is because we're making a lot of money for them. An email was sent out from corporate with the usual RTO talking points (COVID is over, we did great working apart but now we need to all come in to work together because we're better this way) with the due date being early September. Less than an hour went by when a rep from my company sent out a follow up email asking us to ignore the first message because it's only for the parent company. I was halfway done updating my resume when I saw it. I'm guessing there where more than just a few people who sent out some very angry emails to upper management.

Mexican news. It happened in Zacatecas last year.

They won't be able to stand upright in the next round of shrinking.

The janitor works for $8/hour out of desperation. The CEO works for $10k/hr out of greed. The difference in pay rates based on position should be regulated. I think a CEO should only be paid at most 10 times more than the lowest paid job in any organization. That way everyone will have some parity and a shot at a decent life even at the low end.

We can all do our part by not buying anything from those who do this.

To not have to work another day in my life. Sure I could say to be excessively wealthy but I'm happy with satisfying basic needs and living in my simple home. All I want is to be able to wake up every day without the crushing burden of having to keep a job that keeps the spectre of starvation and homelessness away for another few days.

I hate to say it but there are simply so many subjects to cover in a single day that it's hard to reinforce the lessons learned in class within the given amount of time in a school session. Maybe if schools were structured in a way in which fewer subjects were taught each day would the lessons stick better without the need of homework.

Please don't do this! Rich people love living in obscurity, it keeps attention and anger from their stupid decisions away from them and on to some scapegoat. This is like the opposite of the Streisand Effect and will only serve their interests. I know it's annoying to keep seeing the same billionaires in the headlines but the alternative is to be passive about their awful projects and the harm they're doing to the world. You'll only be doing them a favor with this addon.

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No. There hasn't been any evidence to convince me of the existence of such an entity.

Having a digital only version of a console is very concerning from an e-waste point of view. It'll be an odd-shaped brick years later when the digital store front is long gone and the old SSD gets corrupted.

The harder drugs only exist in an unregulated black market where criminals thrive. Legalize all drugs and let pharma companies make them to ensure purity and standardized doses. Sell them at a cheap price and watch the drug cartels crumble away as their blood money dries up.

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We've been down this road before. It just takes a few determined hackers to find a workaround. I can't wait to see what their solution would be.

Assuming nothing is done to curb the recent capitalist tendencies of universities to inflate tuition then yeah it would be mostly restricted to the wealthy. It might be possible that market forces would coerce them to become cheaper again in order to not end up getting shut down from lack of funding from lower enrollment though.

I'll completely jump ship once SolidWorks can run on Linux. Wine is still a little iffy with it.

You can kinda pop them like they're pimples and the waxy/runny stuff that comes out of there smells like death.

Easiest way to address this is to wear a metal Casio watch and have it touch anything metallic attached to a wall like door latch guides or maybe even coat hangers to dissipate any static electricity. Another choice is to grab the metal part of a key and tap them as well.

Try the Samsung XCover 6 Pro. Ignore the criticisms of it not supporting 5G on T-Mobile networks since I use Metro PCS that piggybacks off of it and it runs just fine. Other than its rather large screen size, it feels like one of the earlier Android phones with a removable battery, expandable SD port, and the all important audio jack. It's rather sad as consumers that one of the few models out there that have these features comes from a business phone line.

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Yakuza 0. I think I'm doing something wrong because the resolution's set to 720p with all sliders set to low and I still get 25 to 50 FPS.

Don't try arguing with these people. They've never had to deal with someone in a meth fueled psychosis where the slightest movement can be perceived as some kind of taunt or challenge to them.

I have two NAS Solutions, both using raspberry pis running OMV. First one is a single external USB hard drive acting as a buffer when it downloads my legitimately obtained media before transferring its data to the second NAS running two USB hard drives running RAID 1 for deep storage and streaming.

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The new vehicles:

The trick is to read something that's fictional and less dry. Fantasy would be an excellent choice. Sci Fi if you still enjoy things slightly more grounded in reality.

I'm the person who commented this. I took the train in LA for a long time since I want to stop using cars. My experiences there with the lack of security made me realize why hardly anyone takes it. My problem was with the smoking meth part. All I got for my trouble was someone accusing me of not really living there and a ban before I could explain myself.

I've alread apologized about the way I said it and tried to clarify yet all I get is more hate and people saying to let them smoke it in peace. Hardly anyone wants to have a real good faith dialogue and instead just reactively dunked on me for uttering the word "homeless" for someone who is clearly doing illegal things in public. If a single adjective is enough to be considered inflammatory then I'm worried we'll ever be able to have civil discourse that goes beyond an echo chamber.

In Mexican Spanish they're known as "bombones".

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Recruiters keep asking me to apply and I must've told them to pound sand about 3 times in the past 2 years.

I can't say I've read all his content but Little Brother and Homeland are good examples of how technology can help aid in fascism. Sure it's a little over the top but it made me more aware of how corporations can be used to overstep our rights and privacy. You're free to hate on him all you want but the truth is he's actually doing something to push back and make us all aware instead of just saying to just be okay with it.

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I was in Japan for two weeks and at first I thought I really liked them. The ones I used had heated seats, ran speakers with the sound of water to cover up any uncomfortable sounds others may hear, and had the all-important bidet. The one downside that made me get tired of them though was the small toilet hole. The toilet seat itself had most of those gadgets embedded in it and thus took up quite a bit of room and I'm used to the long type of seat with an opening at the front. I didn't have a comfortable position for both by butt and penis to fit comfortably without a bit of an ab workout so they got old for me pretty quickly. I recommend just sticking to an installed bidet if you're larger than the average Japanese man.

It's Facebook for corporate shills and people who pretend to be one when looking for a job.

What kind of addon do you use to contain the tracking cookies on Firefox? I'd really like to get it too.

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Aside from the popular ublock origin I'd get Sponsor Block. Too bad my mobile version doesn't support it.

Just finished the Fall of Hyperion and it's pretty good still. It can definitely be hard to follow along sometimes though.