For those using VPS services, how do you go about keeping your data backed up? to – 42 points –

I have been using a VPS for a while to host some personal projects and services that I have been using. Lately I have start to think to move all my git projects into it aswell. But at the moment, I'm not really sure how to go about off site backups of the data. How do you usually go about running backups on your servers?


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I only choose hosting that provides automated backups of VPS. And it has to be credible like Hetzner who keeps those backups in a different location.

Additionally if I have something really important I do periodical backups to my local mac that has all sort of backup processes (iCloud, Time Machine plus an extra encrypted backup that I keep on well… hetzner)

To be fair, I'm on Hetzner aswell, but the paranoid side of me, would want to have a fallback in the unlikely case of something happens to the company

Its a German GmbH. From them announcing bankruptcy to switching off the servers would take some months.