4 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Useful idiot

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I like how first queries you guys make are attempts to SQL inject and XSS it.

EDIT: if you find something let me know, PRs also welcomed ;)

Any German car company since they have unions, strict labor laws and many other regulations which make the life of workers decent.

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Which is cheap or free in literally everywhere except the country of free. It’s US problem, not industry.

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Out of curiosity: what is a “car’s drive away” according to fellow Americans? I mean how many meters would that be?

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It’s called Dead Sea effect and can be a killing factor to an IT company.

Sometimes though it can be good overall if company has too many seniors I guess.

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Yes it’s Germany. Hessen.

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I keep my drives encrypted with a key currently hosted in my router hoping they wouldn’t steal that. I’m thinking of actually putting it to cloud so I can disable it remotely.

It was quite a ride to make everything work and I made a blog post explaining it so I remember what I did.

Am no native English speaker so I have to ask. Excuse me WHAT?

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For me it always reminds Joomla.

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“Support for Ukraine in defending from Russian invasion”*

Here. Fixed it.

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No no. We’ve see the Hausmaister coming in the morning and replacing the bulb ;)

It's still in MVP, work in progress, hence the index is not "full".

For me "web development" is everything that we might need for well, web. Servers, mongo docs all goes into the index (I'm adding it every day basically but also it takes some time to index stuff and I observe how this whole thing works as index grows).

ASP.NET goes into the index of course. If your website has dev resources and blog posts that would go into it as well. Recently one person suggested tons of Haskell blogs and they are being indexed as we speak.

I have also a different problem, has a lot of good resources but also tons of SEO spam and low quality content. It's also freaking huge and while it was for some time in the index I had to remove it and think about it some more.

Where would you draw lines on mixed c content or technologies

For now the line is: does this website have anything that web devs would need? Yes? Then it might get in.

If it's a blog about locomotive CPU programming then maybe not. Although mostly due to infrastructure costs. Indexing cost in the end but having some non related stuff in the index should not hurt the results.

All of what I wrote is the state for today. I'm changing my mind often as it's still in "having fun" state.

PS. also thanks for the feedback!

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Good agree done

Great. Now please make Wroclaw cops stop killing people.

Stuttering is a failure connection between brain, lungs and mouth. Has nothing to do with hands so no, sign language people don’t stutter.

Source: I stutter since 4yo and spent a lot of time with other stuttering people helping them.

Service shows you a code that you scan with your device. This code transfers some challenge and information where to send a response. Your device checks if you’re you and then sends a response telling the server you try to log in that hey this guys is indeed the guy, here’s the problem I solved using my private key (asynchronous encryption).

Feel free to post it on your own ;)

In both Polish and German people say fourteen o’clock.

All of them are pretty new LEDs. It’s built in 2021

Good way to pay your informants.

For ?? I guess it already has a decent results. I’ll periodically check those kind of cases once the index gets more languages.

Empire of The Sun and Fiddler on The Roof. Two classics, one with young Christian Bale, stupidity of war when people stop being humans, and second about dark Europe history but also love, family, getting older.

Two absolute essentials.

Ah. This will never happen. I have zero motivation to do any GDPR stuff in this project. Even for analytics I anonymize visitors IPs so plausible don’t get them.

Also in this case it would be nonsense. For general search it makes sense that Bing knows I’m after parceljs when typing „parcel” instead of spedition companies. For such narrow search engine the user persona is known.

I only choose hosting that provides automated backups of VPS. And it has to be credible like Hetzner who keeps those backups in a different location.

Additionally if I have something really important I do periodical backups to my local mac that has all sort of backup processes (iCloud, Time Machine plus an extra encrypted backup that I keep on well… hetzner)

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If it has it's totally accidental.

What's the use case for searching for those kind of symbols? I'll check if I can tune it for this.

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Sure regulations are not same as Germany but even in those cases there’s a lot of corporate culture that makes a difference. I know it first hand working in an automotive in DE and cooperating with people from foreign offices.


  1. SO and Reddit are on the TODO list. It even had SO (in the bottom indeed) once but not via crawling, via SO Search API. It has very poor quality results and was super slow so I had to remove it while thinking of a better solution. Crawling entire SO might be little too much of this project at this state tho but if I have enough courage and hours at night I might parse that 20GB stack overflow archive dump and try doing something useful with it.

Same for Reddit but here I have mixed feelings about it in general and hope it's going to die soon being replaced by amazing Lemmy communities.

I also used to type some question and end with "reddit" in Google to get good quality content, but here with kukei the experiment is whether blogosphere can replace it properly when index is promoting it.

  1. Why blogs?

This is my main thing. To promote good quality blogs that I tried to follow via RSS but somehow never did. Having them all indexed (and more, some Mastodon community gave me amazing links to index) makes me actually visit them often.

For the "SEO cancer" that where curation comes into play. Before crawling I check unknown blogs to me and decide whether something goes in or not.

Another person in real life told the same. Adding to the backlog!

Shameless self promo: I was upset by this as well so I’m working now on a curated search engine just for anything related to webdev. It focuses on blogs and docs. No BS, just high quality sources.

Also it’s hosted on a PC in my living room ;)

I still have PTSD even though it was just one project in 2011 and I immediately GFO once I learned it.

Thanks but don't expect too much yet. Many sources are still missing. If you notice something should be there but it's not even being crawled feel free to reach me one Mastodon or add it directly via PR here:

I'm on iPhone 12 mini. I love that small design and I strongly believe phones should be small.

Thanks for the good words! Highly appreciate it!

Great ideas. For the source code I’m not sure but I’ll put it to the backlog of cool things I get from Lemmy and work on them one by one. Thanks!

The crawler takes only the sources that are defined in the crawler repo (it’s open source, check the github org or kukei-spider).

So in this way it’s “curated” in a sense that it would not add anything else to the index.

So it was DNS?

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Good idea. I had this thought once to do some narrow indexing of websites, e.g. stack overflow is a big issue, indexing all of this is crazy, picking up some specific tags on the other hand feels like tons of work. In the end I adjust the whole project as it grows with hope that after every tuning it gets better.

As long as I have fun with it I’ll continue :D

Thanks for the kind words!

Thx for the comments. I’ll fix the mobile view and will definitely redesign it all a bit over weekend. I see a lot of room for improvements.

Also will check how to submit it to Lenses. Highly appreciate it!

EDIT: mobile view is fixed, also did some small adjustments in the whitespaces between result items.

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