Is there a more politically conservative part of the fediverse?locked to No Stupid – 43 points –

I'm a conservative. I don't mind the liberal stuff here. It's good to learn the other side, but I don't want a liberal echo chamber. I'd like to be more politically balanced in the fediverse. Is there any way I can do that?


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4chan has a shiiiit ton of loli threads, sometimes containing real cp unfortunately, and some ai generated realistic cp. and, 4chan is a cesspool of alt right cunts. they are the ones proudly producing the threads

Just on /b/ for that.

/pol/ is the serious fascist breeding ground. I step in occasionally just to see what talking point these guys are going to be drumming in the mainstream in 3 to 6 months. It bleeds over everywhere else on 4chan so there's a high overlap, but people on /b/ are surprisingly varied (if universally idiots, but I guess that's kind of the point).

both are disgusting cesspits. i see no variation on /b/. its all loli, rekt, nazi threads, andy biersack, and porn