Matrix clients for decentralized messaging to – 131 points –

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Anyone know if there are go-to servers to use? Looking to try Matrix for a team of around 20 where client information can be shared privately

EDIT: mainly I was seeing if any of the public servers listed on would be more recommended than others

I use Mozilla's instance, but I'm not sure what differences might be applicable to hosting a team. I just use it to join existing rooms.

Host your own Synapse instance and lock it down to your users.

I'm clearly weak on terminology. When you say Synapse instance, Sypnase is the server software that would then allow me to host an instance of Element/Matrix? And an instance would be running that software somewhere — namely, a device I own or a VPS?

Are we talking about a company?

Element provides hosted and on-premise solutions for companies:

Synapse is the server that's normally used and can be installed pretty easily:

There's a list of public servers here:

But be careful if it's for a company, public servers might go down.

As frontend you can also use the Element clients or web interface, they are completely free.

No Windows server solutions? Synapse has Docker but I’ve had a hell of a time getting it up on my Win Server 2016 install.

I don't think Windows server is officially supported by Synapse so Docker, WSL or a Linux VM are probably your only chances.

Thank you. I think in my (ill-educated, poorly framed) original question, I think I was seeing if there were recommendations from the list on I see that some are green-lit for privacy while others aren't.

This team isn't enterprise level or anything and I'm just looking to elevate them from emails to, originally, Slack. They're not sharing state secrets or anything, but are inconsistent about sharing client information that while not necessarily directly identifiable, should be kept under a tighter lid than it currently is.

Even if the messages are end to end encrypted I wouldn't trust a third party with that data (unless it was a company that does it for a living.)

I'd probably recommend running your own instance, I imagine for that few users it would be pretty cheap. Though maintenance is probably the biggest issue there.

Or just use a third party Matrix server but send client info over email using GPG keys. That would cost you nothing.

Do you mean self-hosted, like from our own computer?

No, he means from a server. Either a VPS, a physical server you buy, or an old laptop in the corner that you keep always running (idk if that's enough for matrix, I want to host my own for about the same number of people but have yet to take the plunge. Also want to host myself a nextcloud instance, a jellyfin server, and motioneyeos. One day...)

I think this helps me clarify what I am asking: I want to set up an instance of Matrix/Element that is private (defederated?).

To do so, it has to live somewhere. And I gather that can be a public server like @domi linked to, or on a VPS (or physical server, but I don't want to go there).

Public server is what I originally had in mind: are there any that are better options than others in relation to security/privacy?

If I instead rent space on a VPS, (a) what's a decent one to consider and (b) do I then need to install something in addition to Element like Synapse, which someone else mentioned?

Oh! I misunderstood lol. Honestly, I have some of these same questions, so I wish I could help here but I cannot, sorry.