This AI generated ad on the front page of a newspaper. Can you find what is wrong with it? to – 255 points –

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I know it's not unusual, the picture doesnt represent that diversity is all I was saying. I had read somewhere that AI seems biased towards white people.

It's bias towards the sample set. There was a Russian researcher that made an algorithm that upscaled pixelated images and used a Russian database for it. It turned a pixelated image of Obama into a white man.

I'm curious if this Indian ad's AI is trained off a western database or an Indian one. "Colorism" is an issue in Indian and only one face looks distinctly European to me.

The clothes - except for the weird kurta x shirt hybrid - look fine, so the AI probably trained on photos of Indians. Also, who looks distinctly European to you? All of these figures look passably Indian to me.

Girl in the back, fourth from the left. Could be the angle and hair though.