What's some really unpopular opinion you have?

Rikudou_Sage@lemmings.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 569 points –

Most of the time when people say they have an unpopular opinion, it turns out it's actually pretty popular.

Do you have some that's really unpopular and most likely will get you downvoted?


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People are really entitled when it comes to copyright, just because they like something they think it's okay to steal it, just because "it doesn't hurt anyone", an while in some cases that may be true, they act offended when something is behind a paywall or when an artist or company try to limit access to a piece of media. The author and the copyright owners are in their right to do whatever they like with any song/movie/show/book, and people shouldn't be mad because someone limit access to something they rightfully own. Imagine if your neighbor comes walking into your house and steal food in your freezer because they say "they're a fan of your food" that's fucking stupid. Stop bitching about not being able to consume like the pigs you are and try to produce your own things instead.

they're not stealing food, they're copying something that can be copied unlimited times for close to zero cost. no one is deprived of a physical product

It still a tangible income you deny to the author. Go to a book store and read an entire book right there, and see if they don't kick you out just because technically you didn't seal a physical object.

Go to a cinema and record the movie to see what the staff says, of to a music store and record and entire album in your phone, lmao how people can't get the simplest of concepts

Lol, people in here down voting what are supposed to be unpopular opinions.

I mean, I wrote in the post to comment an unpopular opinion that will get you downvoted. This guy's winning.

They ask to see the snake and then recoil in disgust and whine when someone shows it to them

The lengths people will go to defend piracy is pathetic. You're stealing. Just own it. No, it's not the same as robbing a physical good. Yes, you're still taking something that isn't yours.

The idea that you can "steal" an idea from somebody is so idiotic I can barely express it.

You're not stealing anything when you copy!! Nobody is deprived of anything! If I make a piece of artwork and post it, and somebody copies it to their computer, I didn't lose anything!!

Nothing material is lost, but if you're charging to see said piece of artwork and that dude who saved it on his computer shows it to other people you're loosing money. And don't come with the excuse that if they're weren't going to pay for it in the first place you don't loose money, because that some cheap argument to get something free, i would like to see entering a store and grabbing a book and reading it completely, then saying that you weren't meaning to pay in the first place so the author didn't loose any money, they will kick you out inmediatly.

First off, I've sat in many book stores and read magazines and books and never once had anybody kick me out or object.

Second, do you really think that all the people walking past a stadium where a paid concert is happening are thieves because they hear the music from the outside?

Third, they aren't "losing money." They're just not making money. Its theoretical money, it doesn't exist. If I told you I'm selling my old smelly socks for $10,000 and you refuse to buy them, I didn't lose any money at all. You didn't steal $10,000 from me by not buying what I wanted you to buy.

Is it "stealing" if you read a book and then tell your friend all about it and they don't buy the book because they don't think the story sounds compelling? Is it "stealing" if you buy a book and then let your friend read it without buying their own copy? What if you buy a book, read it, and go online on your blog and give the book a bad review, and hundreds of people that read your review now don't go and buy that book? Did you "steal" all those potential sales from the author by giving your honest opinion on their book?

The whole concept is absolutely ridiculous.

Lol, the copium. If you pirate digital goods, you are stealing. Just own it. It's not the same as physically robbing a store, but it's still theft. We don't have to feel bad for the mega corp making less money, but I also don't have to buy your bullshit excuse for doing it

Lol, way to address my points. It's "theft" even though nothing is lost, taken, or destroyed by anyone...Sure...

I can imagine you calling the police frantically outside of a stadium reporting a "mass robbery in progress" because dozens of random people walking by are hearing the copyrighted music without paying for it haha!

Intellectual property is like a unicorn, it's imaginary and mythical. You can't poach a unicorn, and you can't steal IP, it's just that simple.

Bullshit. What happens if everyone steals it? Is that cool for the creator? I'm sure they won't feel like anything was stolen from them since you can't physically hold it

I have a dog named zeety, his eyes are small and beady.

I just wrote that original poem. I'm charging $1,000 for anybody who wants to read it. You've read it now, so you'd better pay up. Don't you dare rob me of my right to that $1,000!

I accept crypto payments, you can pay in installments of $100 per month if you need. I'll be expecting you to pay up immediately. You're not a hypocrite, are you?

Let's see how serious you are about the things you claim to believe. That poem is my intellectual property according to you, and you are a thief stealing it from me if you don't pay what I demand for it.

Let's make this interesting, you pay me $1,000 for that poem, I will post screenshots verifying that I donated every dollar to various open source projects, 100% dead serious, I won't keep a single cent of it.

Screw it, if you just pay $100 for that poem, I'll donate 100% of it to various open source projects.

Your move.

Lol, no. I'm not paying for that poem. You just published it on a public forum. Besides, I don't want it. I'm not going to copy it or distribute it. If I want what you made and you put a price on it, I either pay for it or go do something else. Your example doesn't make any sense and I'm not going to sit here and explain it to you any further.

I'll leave it here. IP doesn't exist. If it's digital it should be free. Follow that to its logical end and maybe we arrive at the same reality.

Well you just stole that from me, at least from your worldview, if I were you, I would be calling the cops right about now.

The fact that you think that's crazy proves my point.

I'm done arguing this, it's obvious you either don't understand how illogical your position is, or you don't care.

The thing is... They are ideas. I belive that you should not put a price or any restriction to an idea. It is like, "oh I found a mathematic proof for something and I will sell it". You are basically stagnating an entire sector of human discovery because of your selfish endeavour to make more money. If we are talking about physical stuff, like hardware parts and the amount of work that should be ammounted to it, then yeah, people should pay for physical stuff. How are these people are gonna get payed? You can pay them if you are making hardware that runs these ideas and pay them through hardware sales. Otherwise, donations and public media funds. The system only benefits those who host the ideas and not those who make the ideas themselves. They should get most of the credit and a public media fund where we all pay for access to media will be the best way to ensure good work will exist.