College professors are going back to paper exams and handwritten essays to fight students using ChatGPT

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 889 points –
College professors are going back to paper exams and handwritten essays to fight students using ChatGPT

College professors are going back to paper exams and handwritten essays to fight students using ChatGPT::The growing number of students using the AI program ChatGPT as a shortcut in their coursework has led some college professors to reconsider their lesson plans for the upcoming fall semester.


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It's always sucked for them, and it always will. That's why we make accommodations for them, like extra time or a smaller/move private exam hall.

And readers/scribes! I’ve read and scribed for a friend who had dyslexia in one of her exams and it worked really well. She finished the exam with time to spare and got a distinction in the subject!

Yep, my girlfriend acted as a scribe for disabled students at a university. She loved it, and the students were able to complete their written work and courses just fine as a result.