3 Post – 331 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ill throw in some obscure ones I use daily.

  • StemRoller. It's an AI-powered toolthat takes an mp3 and separates each instrument into its own file. Im a musician, and having access to stems like this is a game changer.

  • Carla is a tool for hosting VST plugins without the need for a full DAW. I primarily use Amp Simulators, and this has become a mandatory tool on any computer I use. It's also maintained by the creator of KXStudio.

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It's always sucked for them, and it always will. That's why we make accommodations for them, like extra time or a smaller/move private exam hall.

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I like the way /r/3DPrinting handled ads. Their mods put it like this,

"It's okay for a Redditor to have a business and share it. It's not okay for a business to have a Reddit account and do the same."

Basically, does that account contribute to the community outside of their business? If so, I don't take issue with it.

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This is what is going to inevitably happen with most technical subreddits. All the power users who contributed the most are either gone or leaving.

Reddit will be no better than Quora in a few years.

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Drinking Water has a 100% fatality rate. Everyone who drinks it eventually dies.

(also a good example of why correlation =/= causation)

Netflix drove many people to leave piracy, and now they're driving them right back to it again.

Way to go guys.

In Ontario that's perfectly legal. It's also legal for you to decline to answer that question.I worked in kitchens for about 15 years and came across that problem at about 1/3 of the places I worked. Not super uncommon, the industry is filled with flakes.

Keep in mind in most jurisdictions Restaurants get special labour rules.

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When I was in College for Computer Programming (about 6 years ago) I had to write all my exams on paper, including code. This isn't exactly a new development.

14 more... also has backups of the repo on Github.

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Torrents of The Weird Al movie are about to become quite popular.

You have no way of verifying that the client is only doing what it claims. The Open Source community is highly suspicious of proprietary software, doubly so when it's based off of Open Source code.

If youre okay with that then no worries, but ofr myself and many others it's an absolute deal breaker.

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Here is the announcement the development team have made.

For those who want to still use LibReddit or Teddit, it's fairly simple to get your own instance running using Docker. Keep in mind it is read-only, you won't be able to comment or post.

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Remaking Lego Island seems silly when MattKC has already done a lot to get it running on modern PCs, and is in the process of decompiling the binaries.

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Well? How did they do it??

Wasn't that the entire point of the captcha? It was never intended as a permanent solution. They help train AIs to identify objects and patterns.

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Hooks into Invidious. Works like a charm.

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Was it really necessary for you to post this in no less than 5 different communities? You've been called out for this before and claimed you'd start using crossposting.

I really don't need my feed showing the same story that many times, it's redundant and pointless. If you want to karma farm, go back to reddit.

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Jesus Christ you belong on a list. Fucking insane dude.

Everytime you open a door it moans with pleasure.

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There are no moulds that grow on cheese that are fatal. They just taste bad.

So in short, yes, cut it off and eat. If it tastes fine, it is.

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As much as I support and endorse game preservation, this doesn't seem like a shocking number. I wonder what percentage of those games are actually worth playing?

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And thats why I switched to Matrix and set up a Telegram bridge.

I'd go the other direction and choose Debian. It's what Ubuntu is based on, and actually lives up to the spirit of FOSS.

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I had the opposite of a lot of people here, though no less satisfying.

Once got stuck behind a car going 30 under the speed limit. It was a single lane road, and the opposing lanes had a lot of traffic so there was no way for me or the other dozen cars behind to safely pass.

When that cop pulled the slow car over it was cheerful honking all the way back.

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I find the lack of a 10-key pad disturbing.

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This is the only video game I refuse to let me kids go near.

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I've had a few friends work for them out in Montreal, and their parent company (2 Men and a Truck). According to them it's a mob-operated business.

So you don't need to obey the laws because others don't? You're being childish, it isn't that big of a deal.

I will say that ticket you got is bullshit though. That's just a dick cop.

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In many jurisdictions what they're doing there isn't illegal at all. It is well understood that you do not post links out in the open.

Downloading isn't illegal, sharing is. At least outside of the US (and a few others)

But will it still inspire countless children to learn HTML?

Likewise. I just found it much easier when trying to schedule my day. Not having to account for the switch from 12-1 makes the math simpler.

Holy shit, you're absolutely batshit crazy.

Only janky solution I know of is to use a Raspberry Pi (or other computer) to run Kodi or Android TV. You can then point your TV's DNS to a PiHole or other DNS filter to stop tracking/ads.

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For those curious, this is in fact the account I found.

I build guitar pedals! I don't design them, but I order the PCBs and solder the components myself. It's significantly cheaper than buying them premade, and how many people can say they made their own pedalboard?

I'm also an amateur Fossil Hunter. The area I live in is filled with fossils from the Ordovincian.

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Puns are the highest form of comedy. I will die on this hill if I must.

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In Canada it's two reasons:

  • They don't go to Medical School.
  • They aren't covered by Provincial Health Plans, and therefore cost money.

These are the same reasons I don't trust Veterinarians, or Chiropractors. Ill give Dentists and Vets credit that they're at least studying real science.

Penn & Teller. Really nice guys. Penn is ridiculously tall, and having a conversation with Teller is one of the most surreal experiences I've had.

I've also met tons of metal bands, too many to list. I'll say the chillest/coolest I hung out with were The Black Dahlia Murder or GWAR.

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How to build a fire, shelter, and provide yourself with food and water. It blows my mind how many people have never built a fire before.