What are your niche hobbies you’d like to share with other people?

the_football_maestro@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 361 points –

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I build guitar pedals! I don't design them, but I order the PCBs and solder the components myself. It's significantly cheaper than buying them premade, and how many people can say they made their own pedalboard?

I'm also an amateur Fossil Hunter. The area I live in is filled with fossils from the Ordovincian.

Right, you've already convinced me. How and where do I start? Can you recommend some links/resources please?

PedalPCB is where I order my boards from. They have clones of pretty much any pedal you'd want.

I usuallyorder my components from DigiKey, but depending where you livethere may be others you can use.

Awesome, cheers. Really appreciate it.

I highly recommend using sockets for your chips if possible. I can't tell you how many I've fried by getting the pins too hot when soldering.