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Joined 12 months ago

i should really stop having adhd

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his argument is the new dresscode would allow young girls to dress like that and he thinks the school should police it, instead of just raising his kids to be well adjusted and responsible. or it makes his pp hard and it makes it harder to hide that he's a pedo when he's in public

reject the 2 party system. none of them will ever represent a reasonable fan of political views for the majority of people

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I just wanna say no matter your opinion, as long as it is followed by the openmindedness you just showed, you're gonna be fine

isn't that sort of what's happening? she wants money for her work, and she won't be able to live off of doing this if there is enough competition. this lady, insane as she is, isn't the problem. it's that finding something rewarding to do, and live off, isn't easy. in fact, it is incredibly artificially hard

granted, i know nothing about this woman's financial situation. im just speculating as to why she wouldn't want to share her knowledge or expertise

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Nazism is alive and well. It's not about stamping out hate fpr a certain group, it's about educating people beyond manipulation so they don't think they have to kill others

you're grasping at something deeper here. humans have an underlying tendency to be gullible and easily manipulateable. we need to pour funds and funds into the education system and move more focus onto critical thinking, logical fallacies and self-esteem / self-image, as it plays a large role in calling out injustices and building an accurate world view

imo its the no. 1 reason the world is so fucked. we believe evrything we're told because it appeals to a sense of self-empowerment (our tribe over theirs). hunter gatherer tribes would sometimes literally slaughter each other to survive. it is in our instincts to be able to be convinced that other groups of people are our enemies, when really everyone thinking the exact opposite would be heaven on earth, except for the ultra greedy

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i will downvote anythong that is false, misleading, doesn't contribute to the conversation or classic reddit humor adding to the same joke

imagine posting comments this retarded. change your rhetoric instead of generalizing to the benefit of people who want to write off others as enemies

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the article doesnt mention the nature of any of the deaths and dont actually say its because they were denied water breaks. it just says these deaths happened after the law was signed into place. a few of the deaths were actually not work related at all

though it does speculate that it must be because of the heat

this became reddit faster than i expected!

exercises that target weight loss in specific areas dont exist. your body has a genetic predisposition in regards to where it allocates fat. eat a bit healthier, eat a bit less, exercise regularly and your body will do its best with what you give it, every day

rip rarbg

cool. lets see his company crumble under his poor choices

check if you have sleep apnea. it can fuck your sleep hard without you ever noticing. ask someone if you snore loudly or hold your breath when you sleep as those are typical signs

goddamn. how close was it?

governments lying fantastical claims

Just make sure this is a teaching moment for your daughter. There's nothing wrong with diving into other peoples' cultures, but you may as well find out where all the apparel comes from traditionally, so you can help make her costume accurate and even add something the other kids probably don't have, and make sure you don't offend anyone in the process by drawing false parallels:)

if something is a crime then punish it?

there is clearly no space after the comma, and its written in german, so of course its using the german comma system

it's that you have to disprove it to everyone. the ideology that "our tribe is better than theirs" is a cancer in and of itself so the more people think that and are programmed to tell others the same thing, the harder you have to work you suppress it

can anyone translate?

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no, i think it would make it worse. in periods where i smoke a lot, my nausea gets worse. i could imagine these 3 things play together somehow

I saw your previous post and just wanna weigh in and say you did the right thing.

but dont you see we'd all be walking around with stomach ulcers and feelings of injustice because poor people are getting something they didnt work themselves to death for

yes, and then a counter-misinformation war based on words and phrases that include "Its all AI generated", "its not real", "youre stupid for believing this" will take place and what we end up with is a generation that doesnt believe tiananmen square happened, or at best is skeptical of it. rinse and repeat for more dark spots in history and you've essentially hidden any lesson your prime-for-the-raping common populace has ever learned under a rug of misinformation

as i get older i find myself wondering sometimes if im still my age or the next one already

do you happen to smoke weed regularly?

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what is upacale AI?

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Agreed. How many garden experiments against depression will it take before we all realize what we're doing is fucking idiotic?

Here's hopong you either aren't american or have good insurance:) What brought on the back pain?

i love titanfall

It does thanks:) what can I do for you?

patiently waiting for someone to relink the image for us cursed ones

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is your name an aot reference?

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i dont feel like this was low effort. quality meme, thanks, fuck you

what are your favorite communities for home improvement?

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whats the other one you came up with?

wouldnt have

content bad i leave