The Media Still Doesn’t Get Biden Voters to politics – 189 points –
The Media Still Doesn’t Get Biden Voters

A good in-depth discussion of media bias in political reporting, or why is it that Biden voters are encouraged to understand an empathize with Trump voters but Trump voters are never asked to understand Biden voters?


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Biden [...] has a solid history of changing his mind but only once it becomes politically convenient for him

You say that like it's a bad thing. Biden has sat himself in the center of his voterbase his entire career.

I see that as being a good thing for a democratically elected politician.

Biden […] has a solid history of changing his mind but only once it becomes politically convenient for him

You say that like it’s a bad thing. Biden has sat himself in the center of his voterbase his entire career.

I see that as being a good thing for a democratically elected politician.

by that same logic trump is just as good because he too changed his mind when he ran for president.

In that regard, sure. Trump's clearly tapped into the primal needs of his voterbase, and is the representation they desire.

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