Australian ex-priest has prison sentence extended to 40 years for molesting 72nd child victim to – 159 points –
Australian ex-priest has prison sentence extended to 40 years for molesting 72nd child victim

An Australian ex-priest convicted of sexually abusing children had another 12 months added to his 39-year prison sentence on Tuesday for molesting a 72nd victim.


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What about the drag queens? Why don't we ever see reports of drag queens grooming and molesting children?

The only men in dresses children should be really wary of are clergy.


It's just that with the right wing rage about drag queens grooming and molesting children while reading them stories about acceptance and self-worth in public libraries with their parents present I just assumed that there must be thousands and thousands of examples of drag queens who have been convicted of grooming and molesting children but I've never seen anyone come forward with a single example.

I agree with your observation. Not at all sure how it relates to the OP.

The people who participate in the centuries old cult that has a well documented history of grooming and sexually abusing millions of children and which continues to this day to groom and abuse children on an industrial scale while denying that it happened/is happenimg and moved/moves the predators from one cult location to another allowing them to groom and abuse many more victims are the ones who are claiming that it is drag queens that are the real problem. I just wondered if any of them could look up from their own navels for long enough to realize how truly fucking ridiculous and pathetic they are for being enablers and supporters of a group of organizations that have destroyed the lives of millions of children.

Wow... You are delusional. You just make shit up and believe it. Then you expect others to believe it.

Please seek help

This shit has been going on for centuries. There are millions of victims worldwide in every religious denomination. They have lied, and covered up, and moved offenders leading to many more victims. It is well documented in court records.

Name one drag queen who has been convicted of grooming and abusing children and I'll name 10,000 clergy who have.

Now sit the fuck down and be quiet.

Listen, I have nothing against drag queens in general. You on the otherhand have come unhinged.

I'm not going to engage with an unstable juvenile.

I hope you seek the help you desperately need.

I'm out.

I'm sorry that the truth triggers you but that's what it is, the truth. Well documented, well known, undeniable truth. What is unhinged is denying the truth. Now, you can keep projecting that I need help and I can keep repeating the truth, that the church is responsible for the grooming and sexual abuse of millions of children over centuries and for denying it, covering it up, and enabling the ongoing abuse by moving the child sexual predators to new, unsuspecting communities as long as you want. No amount of apologism, no amount of gaslight, no amount of insults will change the fact that what I am saying is the absolute, undeniable truth.

So, you keep up the bullshit and I'll keep spreading the truth or you can sit the fuck down and be quiet.

Your choice.