
0 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That is an interesting read. Thank you for the effort, it is honestly appreciated.

I feel compelled to point the author is hardly unbiased.

I know it is a difficult request. I just don't have it in me to accept anything at face value because someone says so.

That being said, you took time to present discourse far beyond what most people do. Again, thank you for that

Nah, don't follow trolls

I agree with your observation. Not at all sure how it relates to the OP.

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Says the guy who calls himself "StalksEveryone"

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You are all so predictable. Pwnd. Lol

I didn't advocate kicking out. I suggested he help make it better. I don't care much for lazy, entitled whiners.

Is that supposed to be clever?


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Wow... You are delusional. You just make shit up and believe it. Then you expect others to believe it.

Please seek help

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Listen, I have nothing against drag queens in general. You on the otherhand have come unhinged.

I'm not going to engage with an unstable juvenile.

I hope you seek the help you desperately need.

I'm out.

You can't handle the truth can you mate? Amusing

No, they don't. I was addressing specifically the anti-American sentiment that seems to be the "hip thing to do". Nothing more, nothing less.

Just because I did not mention any other energy wasting hate speech does not mean I am not aware.

I still expect better from you.

Twist the words, add words, deflect from the point, anything to advance your "superior" intellect. I see what you did.

Good on you mate!

P.S. It didn't work.

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I am fine, thank you.

US bashing is getting old, tired and trite.

Instead of just complaining, do something to help make it better.

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Yes, the USA is a big country and a superpower.

But things that happen in the world do have major impact on the country and all of its citizens. The need to be up to date and aware of world events is critical. Everyone should be educated. It is the only way to make informed decisions.

You may not have meant it as an anti-American trope but it came off that way. Even the comment you attribute to Trudeau is a thinly veiled insult to our country. That is not lost on me or others here in the fediverse or other American citizens. The anti-USA bashing has become hackneyed and decidedly juvenile.

I expect better from you.

Get a grip. It was not even close to a coup. You're drinking too much cool-aid!

That's because nobody wants to work in administration for less than $25 per hour which the state can't pay without raising ever bodies taxes that no one wants to pay!

TANSTAAFL. (look it up)


That retort is a bit lame. Try again.

Can't handle the heat?

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And your comment is classic avoidance and redirection.

Amazing! The entire world is stupid, (insert as many additional derogatory terms as you wish). Except for you, of course!

Good on you mate!

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Seriously? Aren't the anti-USA comments getting a bit tired by now?

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Doesn't that make the posts headline misleading then?

Tell us what makes it absurd. And please stick to demonstrable facts for proof of cause and effect.

Thank you

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You mean like Bidens border policy? Ha. When ya got nothing, just attack people.


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BTW..... Dogs don't lay eggs. You might benefit from a remedial biology class. Haha

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Your ALL Hypocrites!

So what? Y'all been saying it's just fine for years!

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