Open source devs: please, please add screenshots...

My Password Is to Open – 1187 points –

I beg you, if you are a developer of an open source app or program - add screenshots of your app to the README file. When looking for the perfect app, I had to install dozens of them just to see what the user interface looked like and whether it suits me. This will allow users to decide if the app they choose will suit them... Please, don't think about it, just do it....


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I find this unnecessarily derisive. There are good reasons for a UI or README not being user-friendly, the top-most one being (imo) that it is really, really hard to get right, takes a lot of time and doesn't primarily solve the problem the project was started for.

You mean you think I'm being derisive? I think it's important to remind people that not every open source dev shares their priorities, or indeed any interest whatsoever in whether other people use their code.

This whole post is filled with a really disappointing amount of entitlement and lack of self-awareness.

I think you generally can't know if someone shared their code with the intention that others may use it, but it's a reasonable assumption.