Girl, 13, gives birth after she was raped and denied abortion in Mississippi to – 763 points –
Girl, 13, gives birth after she was raped and denied abortion in Mississippi

The nearest abortion clinic – in Chicago – was too far away and too expensive for her mother to provide her with the procedure


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is it worth it Republicans?

This is literally what they wanted, of course it's worth it.

They think they haven't gone far enough yet, not that the price to pay is too high. Not like they're paying the price themselves, and they're incapable of feeling empathy for people like this girl who are affected by their psychopathic legislation. If they themselves or anyone in their immediate family needs an abortion, they'll go get one somewhere else because they're good people and they have a good reason for it, unlike all those woke socialist Nazi sluts

As if she was their problem.

They only want control over her. The rest ain't their problem.