Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭 to – 1363 points –

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Because they're having less babies than is needed to maintain or grow their population

2.1 babies/woman is about what's needed to maintain a population, China was at 1.09 last year

their 1 Child per family policy for decades has left them with a gigantic pile of elderly and not nearly enough working age people to support them. not to mention the young people have no training on how to support their infrastructure or manufacturing tools.

This doesn't even mention the gender ration disparity either that is going to hit even harder as well for them. China is gonna have even more issues in the next few decades

I’ve also heard that they abort mostly female fetuses compared to male fetuses. Don’t know why, culture or something, but could also be a lie.

because if you can only have 1 child to support the family in the future you need to have the one that gets educated and paid. it went on for decades. if you search youtube for the word 'china' theres countless recent explanations of the various ways they are collapsing.