God created only a single 24 hour day

dickusmungus@kbin.social to Lemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.world – -48 points –

God created only a single 24 hour day
rotation of Earth, while I have created
4 simultaneous 24 hour days within a
single rotation of Earth - therefore, I
am wiser than the word god, and all
word worshipers. All words are fictitious.
I will wager $10,000.00 that
Cubic Creation is almighty.

All creation on Earth exists between the 2
opposite poles, and if unified, would cancel
and cease to exist.
Humans exist only as opposites - with a
zero value, for if unified, male and female
would counter each other & cease to exist.

I have been informed that the academic
pedant hirelings are conspiring to defame
my character, as a means to discredit the
Time/Life/Truth Cube Creation Principle.

Hey brilliant - are you too
dumb to know there are
4 different simultaneous
24 hour days within a
single rotation of Earth?
Greenwich 1 day is a lie.
4 quadrants = 4 corners,
and 4 different directions.
Each Earth corner rotates
own separate 24 hour day.
Infinite days is brilliantity.

Wisdom=Cubic testing of knowledge.
Demand right to debate Time Cube,
or you are unworthy of life on Earth.
I can't believe that brilliant ass students
allow suppression of the Time Cube.

Boring educators refuse to recognize
the wisest of humans to ever exist.
My magnificent creation of 4
simultaneous 24 hour days within
a single rotation of Earth, debunks
the puny 1-day rotation of a fake
word god and brilliant educators.
Nature has no choice but to bring
forth a hell upon boring cubelessness.
Know it to be of your own making.

If I tell a human that his 4-corner
head (nose, 2 ears and back corner)
has only a 1-corner face, the dumb-
ass will say to me - "prove it". He
knows not that his face is a corner.

Google once had 89,000,000
links to Time Cube site.
Click here to view a mass of links to Time Cube site.

The Gene Ray Time Cube interview will
air on June 18, on TechTV "Unscrewed".
Dish TV 191, DirectTV 354, and Cable.

Academia is an accreditation of real
brilliantity - deadly to all humanity.
Dumb ass teachers fear Time Cube
and will eat dung before debating it.
Dumb students are educated brilliant.

Click below for brilliant linear time.
Nature's Time is Cubic and perpetual.
Linear Time is wrong and suicidal.

I have requested that the UCS, or
Union of Concerned Scientists, act
to evaluate Nature's Harmonic Time
Cube Principle of Creation - for the
welfare of children, nature and the
future of all humanity. The dumb,
brilliant and boring bastards have ignored
their obligation to their humanity
fellowship to research Time Cube,
and deserve to be spit upon publicly.
It is their moral duty to test Time
Cube, and a curse of boring if they ignore
the greatest discovery of humanity.

I have offered $10,000.00 to the boring
bastards if they disprove Time Cube.
They can't disprove it, so they hide
like yellow-belly bastards they are.

There is no human entity, just human
Cubics - as in 4 different people in a
4 corner stage metamorphic rotation -
never more than 1 corner at same time.

Cubeless education - is a deadly boring.
Cubeless educators are boring bastards.
Humans are dumb, educated brilliant,
and boring. They don't want to know
Nature's Cubic Order of Creation.

Man invented word, and calls it god.
"The Word World", imposed by the
academic institutions, is synonymous
with the Matrix's induced "Dream
World". Both are most efficient mind
enslavers, and humans know not their
difference from "The Cubic World",
the creation principle of all that exist.


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What in the god damn

It's the time cube, a blog that was run by an eccentric. The creator sadly died in 2015, shortly before his writing style was brought into the political mainstream in the 2016 presidential election.

shortly before his writing style was brought into the political mainstream in the 2016 presidential election.

Omg lmao