
2 Post – 41 Comments
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He's doing a good job in one sense. By causing total systemic collapse with policy choices in FL, he's demonstrating how terrible Republican ideas are in practice. The party can no longer hide behind "Democrats won't let us enact these changes," and now has to change tack to "ignore your lying eyes."

I hope more voters take the time to look out the window before making their next choice.

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This is a great example of why downvotes are so important.

I'm having a great time, but I also love FO4 and No Man's Sky. The toe-dip I've done into colony building shows that they put real thought into Astroneer-like automated manufacturing stuff, which is my crack, and something I missed in NMS and FO4. It's also clear from the first city that they know how depressing FO4 is, and wanted to add more variety.

Story and characters are a cut above any other Bethesda game so far, but that's not saying much. My wife is replaying BG3 next to me, and it makes Starfield's writing look amateurish by comparison. It's not the core of the game though, so eh.

Downsides so far have been that the minor planets/moons don't have much to do, and that inventory management is annoying with how much crafting components weigh.

Ship combat is... Fine. It's not as intricate as Elite: Dangerous or SW:Squadrons (for sim gamers, weapons are all on REALLY forgiving gimbals, which makes precision unnecessary), but not actively bad like NMS VR. I think it's a good compromise, because not everyone wants to deal with a realistic sim in what is essentially a minigame.

It's also complex, which is good, but adds some awkwardness to the beginning.

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This is very preliminary. The samples were songs that were already hits at the time of the study, with no way to account for contamination. It's highly plausible that the subjects had heard the "hit" songs before the study, and they were just measuring recognition.

Full paper is here: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frai.2023.1154663/full

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You're doing great. I'm not on your subreddit, but you don't deserve people piling on here. Thanks for everything you do, and I hope this transition doesn't cause you too many gray hairs :)

I don't know exactly where to start here, because anyone who claims to know the shape of the next decade is kidding themself.


AI will decocratize creation. If technology continues on the same pace that it has for the last few years, we will soon start to see movies and TV with hollywood-style production values being made by individual people and small teams. The same will go for video games. It's certainly disruptive, but I seriously doubt we will want to go back once it happens. To use the article's examples, most people prefer a world with street view and Uber to one without them.

The same goes for engineering.

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Will do :)

That is, unless I get super distracted and never do it, which is also extremely plausible.

It's the time cube, a blog that was run by an eccentric. The creator sadly died in 2015, shortly before his writing style was brought into the political mainstream in the 2016 presidential election.

Because I like complaining.

You may have the best luck starting with instances that are widely defederated. Insisting that trans experience is invalid is not considered acceptable in most communities, and instances that accept it are generally siloed.

I sincerely recommend listening to a trans person speak about their experience though. The best way to avoid getting removed from places for hate speech is to stop hating people.

I think they made the right call too. It's better for almost everyone. A lot of flight sim types are also techies, so I bet the mods will bias that way.

I may be in a minority in this community, but I've found that daily use is really rough on my mind. Taking some time off and returning to weekly use (with occasional months off) benefited both my life in general and how much I enjoyed weed. The anxiety is down, and it's opened up a ton of time to pursue hobbies I find more fulfilling than TV. And when I do sit down with an edible, I really enjoy it.

I also dream now, which I suspect is a factor in everything else. Evolution wouldn't make us dream unless there was a reason for it.

The problem is that the articles from exploring heads take an average of two sentences to reach an obvious and malicious lie. There is no room for discussion under those circumstances.

For those who don't respect the authority of conservatives as the arbiters of reality, they have no purpose except as a glimpse into the abyss. It's like having your stream of memes interrupted every few pages by a graphic crime scene photo, only with the dread that comes with knowing that the criminal has a wide support base.

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This was a good push. TBH I've been thinking about doing that for a while, but I think you're the first total stranger to suggest it. It's probably time.

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Because the same legion of full-time Eric Cartman impersonators smears the same hateful dogshit over normal comment threads. This is a lot more effective than individually banning every member of the inevitable asshat brigade. There's room for instances that federate with them, but it probably shouldn't be the default.

Almond croissant is now my favorite sushi.

I like mine. It has a lot of nice convenience features, and it feels good to have stuff happen automatically based on your presence. Scripting useful automations if a time-consuming hobby though, and if you're mostly just interested in doing voice control for lights it may not be worth it.

I'd recommend staying away from anything that connects directly to the wi-fi if possible. ZigBee lets you isolate the garbage hardware from the Internet so they can't be used as zombie devices in a botnet or worse, and have home assistant be the one point of contact.

Sounds like you got banned because your perfect grammar gave away your political leanings.

Thanks for sharing. I had an easier time of it (maybe only a year of daily use), but never regretted cutting back.

It always concerned me a bit to see people glorifying daily use so much back on /r/trees. In retrospect, I don't have many fond memories of that time, and I think it made it harder to address the root mental health issues.

It's an unusual visual novel, but AI: The Somnium Files was excellent. It's a cyberpunk detective story with awesome surreal mindscapes in it.

Memory is funny. Stuff can play in the background and become familiar without you being consciously aware of it.

It would be possible to do this study without contamination by using completely unknown and newly-released songs as a dataset, and checking against future chart data regarding the popularity, or by examining the reaction of an isolated group of people without constant musical bombardment.

I seriously doubt this technology will pass by without a complete collapse of the labor market. What happens after is pretty much a complete unknown.

Don't forget a bathroom trash can with a bag.

I see both sides.

They're probably going to completely (and intentionally) collapse the labor market. This has never happened before, so there is no historical prescedent to look at. The closest thing we have was the industrial revolution, but even that was less disruptive because it also created a lot of new factory jobs. This doesn't.

The public hope is that this catastrophic widening of the gap between the rich and poor will force labor to organize and take some of the gains through legislation as an altenative to starving in the streets. Given that the technology will also make coercing people to work mostly pointless, there may not be as much pressure against it as there historically has been. Altman seems to be publically thinking in this direction, given the early basic income research and the profit cap for OAI. I can't pretend to know his private thoughts, but most people with any shred of empathy would be pushing for that in his shoes.

Of course, if this fails, we could also be headed for a permanent, robotically-enforced nightmare dystopia, which is a genuine concern. There doesn't seem to be much middle-ground, and the train has no brakes.

The IP theft angle from the end of the article seems like a pointless distraction though. All human knowledge and innovation is based on what came before, whether AI is involved or not. By all accounts, the remixing process it applies is both mechanically and functionally similar to the remixing process that a new generation of artists applies to its forebears, and I've not seen any evidence that they are fundamentally different enough to qualify as theft, except in the normal Picasso sense.

Interesting times.

Generative design is already a mature technology. NASA already uses it for spaceship parts. It'll probably be used for bridges when large-format 3D printers that can manage the complexity it introduces.

This one is a little niche, but Harstem is a Starcraft 2 pro player who does a couple great series of videos related to the game. He's a lot of fun to watch because he has a deadpan sense of humor and an incredibly chill voice.

I'd start with his "Beating Grandmasters with Stupid Stuff" video where he pretends to be AFK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLKc5wwo7a0

"Hacker News is for pedophiles."

Somehow the same artist:

Scorn was worth a shot if you've already played Soma and RE. The mechanics are... Fine. The art is jaw-dropping. It's like Amnesia if H. R. Giger had been the art director.

As far as I understand, energy is conserved. Light inside a closed box will ultimately turn to heat too.

If you are OK with a larger learning curve, the Charachorder One is a great option. It's split, great for RSI, and works well with tenting with a 3D printed stand.

My setup

197 is a community with one rule: if you go there, you have to upload an image before leaving. People usually put "rule" in the title of those.

You're doing great. I'm not on your subreddit, but you don't deserve people piling on here. Thanks for everything you do, and I hope this transition doesn't cause you too many gray hairs :)

You have excellent taste (in games and youtubers)! A ton of my favorites of all time are on this list (especially Citizen Sleeper, which hit me in ways that I didn't expect at all). As someone similar:

Exo One: A chill game about rolling an alien space ship through insanely pretty worlds.

Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist: A free game a lot like The Stanley Parable, by the same developer.

Cultist Simulator: Completely defies description. A masterfully-written Lovecraftian survival exploration game, but it's made of cards.

Torment: Tides of Numenaria: A great top-down RPG with a unique sci-fantasy universe and de-emphasized combat.

Forager: The methadone to Factorio's heroin.

Black Book: Like Slay the Spire, but story-driven and based on Russian Folklore and history in the transition to industrialization.

Scorn: If H. R. Giger had been the art director on Amnesia, it would have looked like this.

Inscryption: Another incredible horror game with cards as the core mechanic. More great exploration and plenty of "what the fuck" to go around.

Uplink: On the older side, but holds up. A great light hacking game with solid mechanics and not too much excess complexity.

Jazzpunk: Probably the hardest I've laughed from a game since Portal 2.

The Last Door: A 2D point and click adventure with excellent music and atmosphere.

Primordia: A dark point and click about a world populated by robots. Has stuck with me for a long time, mostly because of the jaw-dropping pixel art and voice acting.

Darkside Detective: A point-and-click about investigating the supernatural. Absolutely hilarious.

The Old City: A dark and surreal walking simulator that stands on an incredible soundtrack.

Evergarden: A Chill match-3 puzzle in a soothing garden.

Astroneer: No Man's Sky-esque, but focused on base building and engineering in a finite solar system.

Slime Rancher: The Chao garden, but a full game. A large world to explore with a diverse array of cute slimes to ranch.

Into the Breach: Not sure if this is too mainstream, but it's a really awesome take on a tactics game. Fight aliens, but think more chess than Xcom.

Ascension: Made by a former MTG pro player who was frustrated that the original was pay-to-win. Imagine MTG's complexity with Dominion's mechanics. The digital version is amazing. The physical version is a bit clunky because the mechanics can get pretty complex.

That got longer than I expected too lol. Thanks for these. I'll definitely check out the ones I don't kno.

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Genuine question: Based on what? GPT4 was a huge improvement on GPT3, and came out like three months ago.

We'll probably see sooner or later.

10ish year senior here. I'm pretty sure it's impossible.

That assumes that the classes of problems that AI's can solve remains stagnant. I don't think that's a good assumption, especially given that GPT4 can already self-review and refine its output.

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