People who were fired on their first day at work/saw somebody get fired their first day at work: What happened that led to the firing? to – 342 points –

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Was a contractor for Walmart.

Got hired on as a lead dev, getting compensated 150k/yr.

2nd day, they told me I needed to switch contracts in order to stay on. New contract paid 50k salary.. with lots of required OT.

But, it's OK they said, you get benefits and PTO.

Fuck that.

What the hell? That should be illegal if it isn't already.

If an employer or prospective employer rescinds their job offer, or makes significant changes to the employment contract, through no fault of your own then you may have reason to engage an attorney and discuss Promissory Estoppel.

I am not a lawyer but it's worth knowing the laws :)

On the plus side, I negotiated to work remotely for a few weeks, due to needing to relocate.

So- I was actually able to work both my current job, and the "new" job without losing time for either job.

So, on the plus side, I didn't lose anything, and got an extra paycheck for a few days. But, man, that would have been really shitty if I had relocated, and THEN got that notification.

As another interesting note, I discovered the other head-dev was only getting compensated 30-40k a year..... for literally managing a world-wide system. He doesn't work there either now.

Did your original contact allow for them to just terminate like that? No minimum?

You know, that got me curious... I went back and found the contract.

#1- There is this questionablly illegal clause in it.

But, yea, absolutely nothing in the contract about this swap-a-roo.