Division 2 Players Really Hate The New Shift To Seasonal Characters

ylai@lemmy.ml to Gaming@lemmy.ml – 25 points –
Division 2 Players Really Hate The New Shift To Seasonal Characters

Ubisoft just doesn’t know how to not to mess with a good thing.

Man I’m still trying to get one part for a gun that only spawns in a certain kind of weekly mission.

I log on, see that mission isn’t available, log off. Such engage, much gameplay.

A few years ago, I got this game for $2 and it absolutely scratched my Destiny 2 itch. Even bought the DLC at full price.

Then the usual Ubisoft BS rolled around and I just dropped it.

they just looked directly to rainbow 6 didn’t they

?? Did you read the article. How does this relate to rainbow six at all lol

I didn’t, and it doesn’t. I’ll just be on my way…

Lmao I had the same initial reaction and read the article and was like oh. Okay. 😆. For any other perusers they mean your character resets every season aka Diablo or Path of Exile seasons/leagues.