Share your wacky dreams that you have for your future, or that you had for your future as a kid.

gloombert the to – 10 points –

I'll go first! I wanna move to a ranch in Canada with a boyfriend who can turn into a werewolf, and own some goats and chickens, and we will have a houserule where no-one can purchase disney plus. What about you guys?


When I was about 6 I was going to marry my best friend's younger sister, he was going to marry my younger sister and we were going to live in a big house with lots of pets and a playground.

When I was... 10? or so, late 70s, I was obsessed with HAL from 2001, and I wanted to grow up to be a psychologist for insane computers.

My parents always liked to remind me how when I was very young, I wanted to be a milkman... On the moon!

My weirdest, wildest fantasy now is to travel space and find another race of aliens that has the technology to turn me into my fursona or give me a Ghost in the Shell robot body, so I can continue traveling space for eternity.

I wanted a trimaran and live on the ocean like Kevin Costner did in waterworld. I still want that trimaran to be honest.