Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart Run on the Steam Deck - First Impressions - SteamDeckHQ

Tau@sopuli.xyz to Steam Deck@sopuli.xyz – 46 points –
Will Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart Run on the Steam Deck? - First Impressions - Steam Deck HQ

According to SteamDeckHQ it can reach stable 30 FPS even with a TDP of 11 and even 40 FPS (although with some dips), these tests are only on the first leve though; we'll have to wait for a full review


Awesome to see that, it was such a great game. I hope Sony keeps bringing their games over.

The Ratchet & Clank games has been one of my favorite game series and made me buy the PS consoles in the past. So excited to see it available on PC. Will wait for a couple more patches to buy it for my Steam Deck.