Trump’s Plan to Save Himself: Scapegoat His Coup Lawyers - Analysis to – 1 points –
Trump's Plan to Save Himself: Scapegoat His Coup Lawyers

“John [Eastman] and Rudy [Giuliani] gave a lot of counsel,” one Trump advisor says ominously. “Other people can decide how sound it was”


“My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong, was advised by many lawyers, and that an Indictment of me would only further destroy our Country,” the (so far) twice-indicted former president posted to his social media website last week.

I wonder if this sticks. If this does stick, it becomes a huge talking point for him being a weak, ineffectual non-leader. He could actually be throwing himself under the bus, politically speaking.

This is an interesting inversion of the fascist doctrine that the enemy are both really strong and also really weak. Only here Trump and co are applying to themselves -- they're both super powerful and the only hope and also completely weak and ineffectual and always being led astray by the deep state or poor guidance from their own lawyers.

I wonder if this will work as well on their followers.

Other people can decide how sound it was

That's not going to work at all. It was Trump's job to decide that how sound their advice was & for every lawyer encouraging criminality, there were two more telling him that this was illegal.