My LibreOffice install broke and there's this Calligra software that caught my eye, should I switch or just reinstall? to – 25 points –

Win10 x64 but considering switching that as well btw

Update: I tried Calligra and it crashed in a minute, reinstalling LibreOffice worked tho



Calligra has a great interface.

I’m unsure however how it does with importing/exporting documents, and how well it works with OpenDocument formats.

LibreOffice can edit my ClarisWorks documents from 35 years ago and can also open and edit my OpenOffice documents and display them exactly as they were 19 years ago.

Win10 x64 but considering switching that as well btw

Your don't have to say that, but it's appreciated!

Blink twice if the cult of Debian has you locked in a rehabilitation retreat center...

Source: I'm a die hard Debian user and I think we should advertise more, but I'm afraid some of my ideas might have gotten away from me...

Trying out new things is always good. Best case you find new software you like, worst case you learned something new.

Sometimes limitations can foster creativity and end up with an even better workflow in the end by forcing you to reevaluate how you do the thing. Sometimes it doesn't work out and that's fine too but at least you didn't pass on a potential opportunity.

I don't particularly like the layout of libreoffice, but I find that onlyoffice works for me. Not as feature rich, I suspect, but it doesn't disrupt my workflow due to how similar it is to Microsoft Office