Need help with AMD mesa drivers to – 25 points –

To begin: Ubuntu 23.04 64-bit system Gnome 44.2 Kernel Version 6.2.0-26-generic Wayland So I need help with getting blender to work with my Rx6700xt, I need HIP RT running, but as of rn it's not, do any of u have a solution for this. Also 3 months new to Linux, very scared of installing things i may or my not need.


I have no experience with this, but did some googling. The AMD ROCm installer instructions for Ubuntu are here. You need ROCm for HIP. That installs the entire SDK not just the runtime.

The Arch Wiki says you just need the package hip-runtime-amd. But I can’t find that package for Ubuntu.

There are also HIP installation instructions for PopOS. That’s similar to Ubuntu.

I spent an absurd amount of wasted hours in linux trying to get my Rx6700xt to do 10bit VRR output over hdmi 2.1. Turn out, we are not allowed to use hdmi 2.1 at all in open source drivers thanks to the pieces of shit at "HDMI Forum". If HIP RT requires hdmi 2.1 that will be an unsolvable issue with hdmi

I don't think it has to do with HDMI, more like the drivers, idk rather to wait or upgrade the drivers manual in Terminal. But idk what issue you are having, my HDMI is using 2.1, did u update your display, or even does your display support only 2.0 not 2.1

10bit VRR works in Windows but it won't work in linux. Linux is limited to 8bit and no vrr. How can you confirm that hdmi 2.1 is working? My display is Samsung S95B

Tbh, i don't really care 10 to 8 bit probably cant even tell the difference :/ also what is VVR?

Variable Refresh Rate. AMD is trying to work with their legal department to enable Hdmi 2.1 but I haven't seen a working driver release yet.

haha Don't use HDMI, It's trash anyway cant get 2560 x 1440 at 144HZ on HDMI, better off using Display port instead much faster speeds, that's how it works for me :3

I have to use hdmi for my S95B because the clowns at Samsung won't add DP to their TVs, and I need HDMI for Atmos. I can do 4k 120HZ 10bit VRR in Windows with hdmi. In Linux it is only 8bit 120hz no VRR over hdmi. DP works as expected on my monitors

I see, why did u get a tv, u are meant to use a monitor with a pc :/

I use my monitors with DP 1.4 for general computing and the TV for media and gaming. I HATE using Windows but forced too for now for HDR. I use an offline Ventoy instance of Windows. I will change to QEMU and dedicated video card for Windows once I get another video card