Not a racist but... to Mildly – 31 points –

Again... what?

Same here, I didn’t really understand what the screenshot was going on about.

It was commented in a thread about blocking !

Still 'What?', but a little less so, I guess.

Yea, it's the from the thread in this community even but that context doesn't really help all that much, Lemmy is a strange place!

I'm not sure either, but I guess, classic liberalism refers to what is actually the root for the modern liberalism. And that is the 18th century "we want a nation and no government to interfere in our business" way of thinking.

The race realism probably refers to the "I'm not racist, but black people can't be that smart if they're all poor and in prison" mindset.

All in all, the post probably means conservative/reactionary and economically-liberal people, in US speak, that would be republicans.

It might help to realize, that "liberal" means "pro-business" almost everywhere except the anglosphere.

Thanks for the explanation, but that's not where my confusion is. What is the context? Why is this posted in mildlyinfuriating? This is just some person saying stuff™

For as much screenshots as I see about people complaining about racism and sexism on Lemmy, they never seem to actually include the screenshots of the offending text.

I don't know what you mean with "offending text", this one just looked funny and really stupid to me so I immediately had to think of this community and made a screenshot...

not in a racist way, I swear, more of a "race realism" sort of way

Translated: "I am telling myself black people are actually like this so I don't have to feel bad."

What a dickwad.