Android 14 features and changes list  |  Android Developers to – 4 points –
Android 14 features and changes list  |  Android Developers

Whilst Google announced a ton of AI powered features for Android 14 at Google I/O, it seems like most of them will be Pixel exclusive...

Hoping Samsung does more with OneUI 6 since Google's really pushing for Pixel exclusivity on Android now 🙄


Android 14 is the most underwhelming updated yet. Google didn't even promote it well on I/O. About OneUI 6, I just wish Samsung updates the control center. It's too outdated. I know it's simple and working well, but I would love some visual tweaks.

No more apps to kill all the background processes and free up memory.

Not a bad thing, honestly. Free RAM is wasted RAM.

Exactly. The way Android manages RAM is not the same as Windows, ie. full memory utilisation ≠ out-of-memory scenario.

But of course the restriction to sideloading older apps exists for all Android 14 phones...

what restrictions?

You now can't even sideload an app with a target SDK level that is too low. This locks you out of a bunch of older abandoned FOSS apps that often are very lightweight on storage.

sidenote: what is the purpose of the target SDK? why do both minimum and target SDKs have to exist?

The purpose is backward and forward compatibility respectively.

The minimum version is the easiest to explain: any older, and your app just won't run. Don't even try. I (app) don't have the compatibility code to work with you if you are older than my minimum version because I didn't choose to include it, and you (Android) don't know the changes that were made in the future platform versions, so you can't help me.

Target version is a little more complex. This is the version of the API that I am designed to run with. You can use this information to set compatibility parameters for forward compatibility. For example, if I try to use API that doesn't exist in your version or that would have had different behavior, you would know what I'm expecting because I declared to you what it was designed for at the time. This allows the system to tolerate your outdatedness better.

However, that compatibility feature sometimes leads to security issues because the new API tends to be more restricted or improved in ways that enhance security and privacy, hence the argument why there should be a minimum target version to express that you cannot use the less secure API even for the sake of compatibility.