[Question] Qutebrowser like with Tridactyl

gdaofb27584@lemmy.ml to Firefox@lemmy.ml – 11 points –

It might be a silly question since most people go from Firefox to Qutebrowser, but I was wondering if anyone has ever made a tridactylrc file with all the keybind from qutebrowser ? Specificaly the keybind for "hint" selection.

I'm not familiar with Firefox internal command and parameters and I don't do Javascript, is there any way to run shell script from Tridactyl like it does with qutebrowser ?



some functionality of Tridactyl are disallowed becsuse of the plugin system Web Extension that Firefox uses. https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl#webextension-related-issues Qutebrowser on the other hand is built from the base up to be used like that.

If you have a specific problem you might find some answers in the issues on their GitHub (Tridactyl's) or open a new issue...