Share your latest blog post! to – 20 points –

I wanna get into self-hosting and looking for inspiration.


oooo here's my latest one about... uhh, let's say offensive security against crawlers.

my home is built using Leptos, i write my posts in Org and then convert them to HTML with orgize at compile time. i should write a post about that because i'm pretty proud of how it turned out <3

as for infra i have all my stuff on a vps from a local provider. i mostly do docker containers behind Caddy which i LOVE because it makes everything so simple, including certificate management and automatic renewal.

Recently, I've found myself posting more often on Mastodon a Lemmy & blog way less - indeed credits go to Fediverse and the mods for making it a safe and welcoming place

Here's my latest one:

It's not self-hosted, rather I'm using Google's blogspot. I used to host my own website and two dozens of clients' and friends' until a few years ago (using Plone and Zope.) But at some point, my priorities changed and I retired my rock-solid installations and switched to blogspot.

Here's my most recent one... from last year, LOL.

Built using Hugo, hosted on some Hetzner server in Virginia. I would have more, but I'm still working on implementing my own site generator.