Android beta wipe to – 18 points –

Hey everyone! I thought I'd post this here since the android beta only has 18 subscribers on Lemmy.

I recently downloaded the Android 14 QPR, and in the update message it claimed I could opt out without wiping my phone before "applying" the update. I did opt out, but after beginning the download. After the download and installation, my phone wants to download the stable release of Android 13 and do a full wipe. I assumed "applying" meant actually installing the update rather than downloading.

Is there any way to get around this, or did I just misunderstand the message and opt out in the wrong order and essentially screw myself?

To be clear: I don't mean roll back to stable without wipe, I'm fine with the beta version I have now. I intended to opt out and not get any more updates until release.


happened to me as well on the previous version of android (12 to 13). Completely wiped everything. Sad day.

Idk where you read that but I think you are stuck now. If you had opted out before taking QPR1, you could have waited for the official Android 14 release and updated to that without wiping. I believe you are going to have to wait for the official QPR1 in December to get back to "stable" with wiping the device. Here's an article on it.

It was in the update message in the system settings itself.

I've opted out of the 13 beta before without wiping when a similar message said I could, but I believe I opted out before even starting the download.

I know I could've waited, but I figured since I was given the chance I would take it and wait before google introduces any new bugs they won't fix until release

Edit: lol in the article it says to just ignore the downgrade prompt, so I guess we're all good