Frequent Crash on Share Post to – 14 points –

As the title says, frequently when I go to share a post, the app crashes.

Pixel 7, Android 13

Edit: spelling


What version are you using? This was solved in 0.0.46

I appear to be on 0.0.46

Just updated to 0.0.47, and it seems to be fixed.

Hmm weird, there are no changes for share in 0.0.47 only in 0.0.46. If it is possible could you check Settings > About > Crash logs and paste it here or in my dms or on Github?

Sent you a message. Never used that feature before, some lmk if it didn't come through or you need more deets.

For what it's worth, I've just had this occur in another app besides Jerboa. It might be introduced with a recent Android update on the Pixel 7 series.

Same phone / OS ver, and same issue, I was about to report this as well 😅

Same for you, could I get Jerboa version (and crash logs if version is 46 or higher)

Sorry, in retrospect, this could be an Android 13 update issue. I've just had this occur with another app pulling up the share sheet. The OP and I might be on the very same OS update here

Could be, I would still like to see the crash log so I might be able to fix it

I don't have any crash logs for Jerboa, strangely enough. This is with 0.0.47. Perhaps this Android update is a bit drunk.

Crashes have only been started to track since 40. They are stored with the appdata and are also removed when appdata is. The other user also didn't have crash log for this. This indicates that the crash happens outside Jerboa or that our crash handler is not correctly working.

Yes, I'm strongly suspecting the system here as I've had identical crashes when attempting to share with other apps. Sorry for the false alarm.

Does this crash instantly happen as soon as you press the share Post button? or does it show the chooser first?

Do you share the post from within the post or from the feed?

The chooser comes up. This was happening from within the feed and on the post view.