These Hands Are Rated E For Everyone to > – 1 points –

Be me: Kol-Jha, Koldemar Sorcerer/Dragon-Desciple

Be not me: DM; Alex, Human Fighter; Velius, Sylph Druid; Man Berg, Human Cryptic; Silit, Kobold Rogue;

Staring in the heat of combat the party is under attack by a grand horde of crawling hands.

Alex cracks his whip slapping one away and then another.

Velius stabs a hand with her spear and backs away from the swarming hands

The hands wiggle and writhe crawling over their dead comrades to advance on the members of the party to poke and pinch.

They break Velius' concentration with their antics.

Alex scores a pair of AoOs before rolling a critical failure: Almost stunning himself for a number of rounds.

A pair manage to get a grip on Man Berg during their attacks, grappling him.

They don't do all that much damage but it's a battle of attrition.

Velius' Geyser spell frees Man from the grip of the hands frying them off him.

They advance on Kol... deftly dodging his one AoO but none can breach his defenses.

Kol directs his Aggressive Thundercloud into a band of them and fries three... then tried to finish off the survivor with Jolt. It lives.

Man Berg sidesteps away from those after him and attempts to blast one with his black beam... the little shits are good at dodging.

Alex whips one and strides out of the geyser radius.

Velius zaps one of them with their own electricity cantrip: electric arc.

Man Berg crits on an AoO stabbing the approaching hand... and it somehow lives.

On the hands advance they all fail to hit Man... then die to the final bursts from the Geyser.

A hand successfully pokes Kol but still can't grab the almost-dragon.

Alex shreds three and wounds three more with her AoOs as they advance on him. One of the agile hands to pass the whip gets in a poke for minimal damage.

Kol steps out from the surrounding hands and directs his Thundercloud into them... two save, two die.

Man Berg sidesteps away from the advancing hands and casts psionic-blur on himself.

Alex slaps another off of themself and steps away from the survivors.

Velius continues stabbing about with their spear. Velius remembers for the first time that they have Wild Shape

Man Berg wiffs their AoO as the hands advance on them.

The first hand after Man crit-misses... not even doing much to itself.

Kol finally succeed with an AoO cutting one with his bladed tail-attatchment.

Kol retaliates with his Cloud frying another trio and throwing another jolt... shocking, but not killing.

Man Berg rolls up a Critical Failure... just barely avoiding 5 rounds of stun.

Alex is up and they whip it real good! Slaying another pair of hands.

Velius transforms into an Air Elemental and ascends ten feet to be free of the hands.

The hands advance on Man Berg and he throws his dagger at one... did he mean to do that? No, he did not. Crit-Fail.

Attacking Kol two of the hands roll their own Crit-Fails. One hitting itself and another only momentarily fumbling.

After a half-dozen AoOs the horde of hands actually manage to get through Alexs defenses... only to roll a pair of crit-fails and kill even more of their own.

Against Man Berg they score even more crit-fails. However two more manage to pierce his defenses.

Kol directs his Thundercloud to further slaughter then picks off a wounded on with Jolt.

Alex slaps another pair off her and sidesteps again.

Velius the living tornaro touches down and begins scooping up hands in the vortex! Now we're cookin' with gas!

The hands lemming themselves into the whirlwind... however they lemmings do get a few good pokes off.

Some hands focus on the other members of the party, bouncing off Kols natural armor, provoking AoOs from Alex, and continuing to harass Man Berg

Kol's thundercloud slays another trio for it's final burst and he slivers another hand with his handy Jolt cantrip.

Man Berg actually manages to hit something! And it dies too!

Coming 'round to Velius' turn and a squad of grabbed hands are reduced to dust. The whirlwind continues to fly abound slamming hands into the ground and each-other.

The hand-swarm is thinning out significantly but there's still enough to be a significant nuisance.

Yet more hands Lemming into the whirlwind.

Alex sends a quartet to oblivion and slivers a fifth with their Combat Reflexes Most-Valuable Feat for Alex

Kol strides out from the hand horde and drops another Aggressive Thunderclound where he was frying another trio.

Man Berg slays another hand!

Alex slays the last hand within reach and waits for more to come to them.

The whirlwind of Velius continues defeating hands like he's opened a bottomless can of whoop-ass.

The hands converge on Man Berg as Velius is up in the air. Poking and prodding for minimal but not insignificant damage

Alex sends another four to their permanent end and seriously wounds a final one.

Kol finishes off the last hand on their side of the room then directs his orb to support Man Berg & Velius

Man Berg heals himself with some psi-powa.

Alex surges across the room and whips a hand out of the horde.

Velius' damage output runs off a cliff as they spin out leaving themselves as just an Air Elemental... still they slay one.

Alex has their half-dozen AoOs! More of them reduced to ash... but not the full six.

The hands poke and prod... they're certainly annoying but they didn't even fully overcome Man Berg's healing.

Kol moves into the fray and directs his Thundercloud into the horde frying yet more hands into ash.

Alexs whip never stops cracking as two more fall.

Velius slams one into the ground then ascends out of reach.

Alex continues being MvP whipping a half-dozen more hands keeping most of them off of us.

Kol manages to bisect one as it approaches with his tail-attatchment.

The advancing squad, no longer a horde, pokes about a bit but does minimal harm.

Kol orders his Thundercloud into Man Berg's space to fry some off him... missing Man Berg himself by the skin of his teeth. Following up he puts another hand out of our misery with Jolt.

Alex strikes two more from the census and Velius follows up with a third.

Alex AoOs four of them off of herself and Velius leaving only the trio on Kol.

Kol recalls the Thundercloud to himself to fry the final trio and with that the combat ends.

Slow clap...

The Necromancer steps out of the darkness. He congratulates us but comments that Kol looks rather exhausted and casts Ray of Exhaustion at him.

Session called as the party begins to heal


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