How am I notified if someone replies to my post? I think i've seen a few replies, but it doesn't appear to notify me. to Reddit – 2 points –

How am I notified if someone replies to my post? I think i've seen a few replies, but it doesn't appear to notify me.



In the browser you have a bell icon at the top right, click that and you’ll see replies to your comment.

In the (iOS) apps, not yet

@R05 I think I must be doing something wrong then.. I don't see a bell icon. (see screenshot, i am scrolled all the way to the top, and i've refreshed my browser window)

This has happened to me once, where I only saw I had a comment I could reply to by going to the post itself.

I’m seeing other issues with federation not working so I suspect this has something to do with that..?


I ended up turning to discord, and they were able to fix the issue. It's a setting under general/settings/notifications.

I don't really understand why replies to posts is not turned on by default, imho that should be checked otherwise new users will post, and never get replies, and then think the service is lame/not useful and bail back to reddit. Just my two cents

@Books Thanks for that info. Yep, it doesn't make sense to have them turned off by default, that will stifle interaction and activity.

ahh yeah I forgot about that; it's been a while since I created my accounts. not sure if that's an option that instance owners can set by default for new accounts or not.