Unable to log in from any browser

Something Clever@beehaw.org to Beehaw Support@beehaw.org – 0 points –

I seem to be having an issue logging in to Beehaw from a browser. I've tried Firefox and Chrome on Android and Windows, and Safari on an ipad. I either get a spinning circle or no change on the login button. I've tried disabling all of my extensions, but it doesn't make a difference.

I'm able to access it through Jerboa, but Jerboa's still pretty buggy for me.

Has anyone else run into this? Could this just be an issue with the influx of new users?


Had the same problem on mobile with the spinning wheel on the login button. I’m using a password manager to fill the fields and remembered that on some sites, the auto-fill messes with the web page and the values are not properly handled by the login process for some reason. So took a chance and copied pasted my password by hand and it finally logged in! May be worth a try if you haven’t already.

I know this is late, but THANK YOU!!! I had been trying so many things like disabling ad blockers and Private DNS, browser settings, etc and didn't even consider my password manager. Probably should keep this in mind going forward!