That's one way to combat scalpers... to Steam – 74 points –

I was mashing the button on the Purchase page for 20 straight minutes until I eventually got through to the payment site. I felt like a monkey in a social experiment.

That makes the two of us. I was 15 minutes stuck in the address confirmation. Happily it suddenly went to the payment page and then to checkout. Let’s hope it doesn’t get misplaced in another country during transit for two weeks like the original Deck did.

This was probably an error- a bunch of stock became available about 30 past. That's when I got mine.

Same, had it in the cart at open, got stuck at page 1 of check out, clicked next about 200 times, said it was sold out, and then tried again about 20 past and it worked.

I hope everyone who wanted one eventually got through. I'll just eagerly await my Limited Edition to be delivered.

Fuck bots.