My home server setup to – 3 points –

Ryzen 5900X, 64 gig DDR4-3200, 2tb ssd,10tb hdd and an RTX2070. Hosting Stable Diffusion, various llama.cpp instances with python bindings, jellyfin, sonarr, multiple modded minecraft servers, and a network file share.


Nice, you must be into deep learning with such a setup, any particular reason the deep deep learning models and GPU run in your server rather than in a powerful desktop system? Maybe you're actively offering AI services to the outside world?

Yup, mostly running pretrained models for text embedding and some generative stuff. No real fine tuning.

I'm very ignorant about it. I wonder if I can buy a cheap computer and turn it into a server that I can only use by keeping it on all the time?

Yup, typically we get into it after upgrading an older PC or something and instead of selling the parts, just turn it into a server. You can also find all sorts of cheap/good stuff on ebay from office off-lease.