Six tips to boost biodiversity in your backyard - Greening Australia

Treevan 🇦🇺 to – 1 points –
Six tips to boost biodiversity in your backyard - Greening Australia

Heard about the biodiversity crisis and looking for a way to help? Here are six tips to boost biodiversity in your backyard.

Local native plants have evolved to conditions in your area, such as soil type, temperatures and rainfall.

Plant grasses, groundcovers and climbers as well as trees and shrubs, so you're creating upper, middle and lower layers of vegetation - a living native plant lasagne!

Support biodiversity in your backyard by growing native flowers, grasses and shrubs that provide food for wildlife.

So if you want to promote biodiversity in your backyard, how much lawn do you really need and use? Could you let your local park or community green space be your lawn instead? Consider reducing the lawn in your yard in favour of growing native plants.

Invasive species crowd out local native plants, competing for resources, reducing food and habitat resources for local native wildlife, and subsequently threatening the balance of entire ecosystems.

Once you've got these tips covered, celebrate! Enjoy chilling out among the biodiversity in your backyard, surrounded by the wonderful variety of plants and animals you've helped support.


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