can't login to using jerboa

eatham 🇭🇲 to – 6 points –

I updated to the latest jerboa version and can't login to Maybe its because I enabled 2fa on the account?


Which version of jerboa are you on? The play store seems to still be on 0.33 and crashes on login for me.

If you are on a newer version try disabling 2fa? That should tell you if it's the cause. I saw another post suggesting Jerboa doesn't have the flow yet to put in the 2fa code but I don't know which version if the app they were on.

Some instances may not have updated to the newest version of Lemmy yet. The current version of Jerboa will not work with those instances for a while has updated ik because I enabled MFA and it says so at the bottom of the page. The error I got was incorrect password (it was the correct password, I checked)

I can't login to either. App always crashes when I try. No mfa enabled.

Which version of Jerboa are you on? This happens for me as well on 0.33. I'm trying to figure out how to get a newer version.

I just updated to 0.35 and that seems to have solved my issue. I guess I was on 0.33 or 0.34 then.