I have [#Openkey-chain](https://libranet.de/search?tag=Openkey-chain) installed on my [#Android](https://libranet.de/search?tag=Android) phone and use it with [#fairmail](https://libranet.de/search?ta

fu@libranet.de to Android@lemmy.ml – 2 points –

I have #Openkey-chain installed on my #Android phone and use it with #fairmail for sending #PGP #encrypted #email. For the life of me I can figure out how to import it into my #webmail client, #horde, for using it there. I have an option to import #key, but I don't know how to actually get the key into a place that I can import it. Any #help? @android @android
I feel like I should know this


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