Come join Beyond All Reason, a free open-source RTS akin to Supreme Commander and Total Annihilation to – 75 points –

I've never played Total Annihilation or Supreme COmmander back in the day. This game is so amazing that it makes me sad that I never did. But the good thing is, I can enjoy it right now. It's still technically in beta, but it's already a complete game that you can enjoy, and I strongly recommend you do.

They called it like "alpha+" or something. But yeah, I think I've only had a couple of bugs over the two+ years I've been playing. I've had more bugs in fully released AAA titles.

Linux but no Mac installer/binary...

Is it as easy to mod and make units for as TA? TA was great because of the modability /signed OG SWTA modeller and Bryce terrain tile maker

You could probably try building it on Mac, but YRMV.

I have not tried modding it, so I have no clue. Might ask in the discord! Its super active, I'm just a lone guy who likes to play.

I like Zero-K better

Totally fair! Same engine, so they're both very similar. I just found the community around BAR to be better and the updates a little faster and more consistent.

I'm not sure if "akin" is really the right relationship to Total Annihilation given that it has literally the same units and maps in it, in some cases with the names lightly fiddled with presumably for trademark reasons. :)

I was a big fan of Total Annihilation back in the day, and this is a nicely done open-source remake of it. I've played around a bunch with it. The only thing I found troublesome is those two PvE modes, versus the scavengers and the alien predator things - I just couldn't figure out how to beat them no matter how unfair I made it for "my" side. By the time the queen or boss scavenger unit showed up I was just continuously pounding it with volleys of nukes and an array of Buzzsaws (whatever they're called now) while sending endless waves of Krogoths and even that wasn't enough. What's the trick?

I've only ever beat those modes with friends. Being able to eco the hell out of em and then switch damage types a ton was the only way we found. I'm also not the person to ask - i am definitely not the best at the game, i just enjoy it a ton.