Looking for a FOSS replacement for Yelp/Mapstr

MaddestMax@lemmy.world to Open Source@lemmy.ml – 30 points –

Like the title implies, I’m looking for a way to keep track of places I go. If the ratings system doesn’t exist, that’s okay. The important part is keeping track of places I’ve been, on what date and how often. I know this could be done with a spreadsheet, but that’s sounds like work, and I’m lazy. I couldn’t find anything similar, but maybe my search-fu is off given the holidays. What do you all use, or am I alone in this? Thanks!

Mapstr - https://en.mapstr.com

Most of you are familiar with Yelp, so no link for you!


take a look at owntracks, it's very "roll your own" but might get you a ways toward what you're looking for.

I’ve messed with owntracks. It’s awesome, but more complex than what I’m looking for. Great software, though. Thanks for the idea.

Maybe use joplin or logseq note apps and build a template?

I use and love Joplin. It seems like for this use case, it’d be a step better than a spreadsheet. I want something that’s more like tap a button and add a name if necessary. Great suggestion, though. Thanks!

Ios or android? If ios look at an app called things. Nice collector app (db) thats what id look for is a nice little freeform db app for my phone thats exportable

Sorry! I should’ve clarified. Android is key, but iOS also is a bonus. Things 3? Is it FOSS? I couldn’t tell, but it wasn’t obvious. Thanks for the suggestion.

Things is ios only not foss but great software. Long time user