Confused about how and kbin are linked to each other...?

Wolf Link 🐺 to Moving to: m/AskMbin! – 3 points –

Please be gentle as I am a total noob on this site and I'm still in the process of figuring out how any of this works.

Shortly after I joined, I created and I've been uploading my content from reddit to that community since then. Today I got a question from someone on and I decided to check out this other instance(?) only to find out that "my community" is run by another dude over there:

I have no idea who this Earnest guy even is, but as you can see this is clearly 1:1 the content I posted to my own community. I've literally never spoken to him before. What's that about?


Ernest is the creator of kbin and the admin of When another instance federates with your community it creates local copy of your community on that instance. The first admin of the kbin instance is always listed as the "owner" of the federated community but they cant actually take any moderation actions in your community. I believe the admin of the federated instance can moderate what appears on their instance though.

Ooooh okay.... that make sense. For a moment I honestly thought someone was just lazily mooching off my content (it has happened before, sadly) but if that's basically the default setup for every community not native to kbin, then I don't have anything to worry about. =)

Thanks for explaining! ^^