Help me run Pro Rally 2001 (it's very easy) to – 1 points –

Hey everyone.

So, the problem is that in order to launch Pro Rally 2001, you first need to launch the RallySetup.exe, so that the game would create a config file called ed3.ini. But I use Linux and am trying to run this game with Wine. And Wine seemingly can run the main executable, but not RallySetup.exe.

So, what I need is for someone who uses Windows to just install that game and then sned me that file ed3.ini. I don't think I can tell you where to download the game, but it's basically abandonware, so many websites have it.

So anyway, if you helped me, I'd be very grateful.

EDIT: Thank you so much to everyone who participated!

Unfortunately, the game still doesn't work at the moment. I suppose I'll have to just run a virtual machine for it. But I wouldn't know if I didn't try.


ed3.ini contains the following (CRLF at the end of lines. No end of line at the end of the file)

; name of the card
card=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070

; name of driver
driver=DirectX 7.0

; mode of the game (windowed or fullscreen)

Thank you so much! I'm gonna try that now.

Ah shit, it's still not working. It doesn't give the error anymore, but now it just crashes. Well, it was worth a shot anyway, thanks again.

My wine configuration to get the game to run on my machine (using default .wine prefix):

Create 32bits wine: WINEARCH=win32 wineboot

Mount ISO: sudo mount -o loop ./Pro\ Rally\ 2001.iso /tmp/mntiso/

Install the game: wine /tmp/mntiso/SetupUbi.exe

updating the game (optional?): wine prorally2001_v11.exe

Install nglide: wine nGlide210_setup.exe

install INDEO codecs (Downloaded from wine IV5PLAY.EXE

in winecfg add dll override: ir50_32.dll

Paste the ED3.INI file in the game directory

Run the game (will crash): wine C:\UbiSoft\ProRally2001\ProRally.exe

Run RallySetup and select glide: wine C:\UbiSoft\ProRally2001\RallySetup.exe

Configure glide to use vulkan: wine c:\windows\system32\nglide_config.exe

Run the game (will work): wine C:\UbiSoft\ProRally2001\ProRally.exe

For me, the game started but got stuck on loading screen. Had to use the AMD patched version and replace ProRally.exe

Hi. I found this info on

Open the updated installer by Zeus Software. The original installer of the game doesn't work on modern systems, so use this patched version - simply click on prorally2001_p4_update.exe and press Install

Thanks, but I already installed the game though. The problem is with launching.