How do I give a community to another user? to /kbin – 12 points –

When first logged into kbin, I noticed a lot of important communities were missing so I created a few in hopes of putting them in the right hands when things took off. I'm at about that point where I'm ready to give some because there's no way I can manage 5+ at the same time.

I have promoted some users to moderator, but how do I give them completely?


Does the old Google docs trick work? Promote a user to Admin, then remove yourself, now it's theirs.

I'm not exactly sure how to go about removing myself.

@patchw3rk I'm in the same boat! I created them before the migration, because they didn't exist. But I don't have the time or the desire to admin communities with hundreds of people. I hope this becomes easier at some point

It's not uncommon on Reddit for head mods to be relatively inactive in their communities, with the mods below doing most of the work.

Assuming everyone is cool with you retiring as soon as you can, it shouldn't be an issue unless you go mad with power one day.

you need to contact @ernest and request who to give it to

Honestly, I'd suggest just leaving it be and waiting for an eventual feature change. I don't think it's scalable to be manually requesting all these kinds of changes from the (sole?) admin and this isn't particularly critical. I think Ernest has a lot on his plate just maintaining and developing this site.