Cross posting norms and etiquette? to /kbin – 6 points –

I still don’t really understand crossposting or the multiple link options on kbin. What should kbin users know about crossposting and linking?


I just use it to bring awareness to similar magazines/communities across the fediverse

Posting the same link to 3 magazines is enough IMO. Your /kbin account can be followed via Mastodon and similar services, and Mastodon interprets crossposting as completely different posts.

Follow up if you have time, do both threads and microblogs federate with mastadon? If so, do they appear different?

They appear as another toot - with title, summary (shortened if it is long) and link. Like shown on an image.

(BTW this means, that articles will not be shown in their entirety, contrary to microblog posts)

Forgot to say, but all /kbin posts will have at least one hashtag - the name of the magazine.

They both federate and they both look the same I think.

However, Mastodon search works by tags iirc. And kbin/lemmy users tend to not use tags. So discoverability is low.
The Microblog section is supposed to add the magazine's tags to your posts there, though I don't know if it currently does. I remember reading issues about it not being the case, but those were rather old, so not sure about the current status.

A bit of a miscelaneous request, but I would kind of like a single button "x-post" for articles so that I can quickly cross post to related communities. If it's a thread (like this one, and not a link), it would link directly to the thread and and also show the comments of the thread (basically becomes a pointer to an article)