Anyone else dislike the comment-collapsing behaviour? to – 0 points –

I know this behavior was requested, but the tap to collapse and long press to hide buttons are both really annoying to me.

  • If there's a link in the comment and you miss your tap, you end up collapsing the comment. Then it takes three (or 6, or 9) clicks to click a link. This is particularly common at small fonts. The old behaviour of collapsing when hitting the comment header was sufficient, and still too much IMO.

  • I usually use long press to highlight text and copy it. Maybe to bring up a menu. Having it hide a menu (the buttons) is just weird and disconcerting

Again, I know this was requested, so I tried to give it a chance, but I really dislike it, so I wanted to see how others felt. I'm recently coming from RIF btw.


Meanwhile, click to collapse would be nice in those ten screens long post bodies so you can get (back) to the comments.